Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Run of the New Year

Well OK then, that was brutal!  I can never let this much time go between runs again - this was an eye-opening experience for me! 

Last night I headed down to the treadmill, hoping to just complete 3 miles.  No big deal, didn't have to go really fast, I just wanted to run 3 miles.  I started off at a 6 - faster than my comfort zone of 5.3 but definitely not anywhere near too fast for me.  I expected it to be tough since it had been so long and I wanted it to be so that I can get on with the rest of my goals for the year.  But I didn't expect it to feel like this;  It was like my body wasn't mine.  I've run 3 miles a bunch of times now, I know I can do it, I expect to be able to do it, some runs harder than others but definitely within my realm of things I can just do.

About half a mile in I wasn't sure I was even going to make it to one mile.  I was pushing as hard as I could and my body just wasn't doing what I wanted it to.  It was like being in one of those dreams where you try to run away from something and your legs won't move or you get nowhere.  I sped up to 6.3 and 6.5 and had hoped to make it into the 7's, but it just wasn't in the cards.  I couldn't move fast enough, I was shocked!

I did a mile in 9:51 which is about average-ish for me so at least I accomplished that, but then I had to walk for a spell.  It felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest and I was really struggling to breathe.  I actually thought I was going to throw-up at one point, which is really why I stopped running at a1 mile.  If I were at a gym or outside I may have continued & seen what happened.  But not on the carpeted side of my basement.  Anyway, it was while I was walking that it dawned on me that I hadn't taken my asthma medication in over a week, so that may have had an effect on my breathing difficulties, lol.  Point taken, I won't forget that again!

So I walked a quarter mile and then wanted to run another whole mile but I just didn't have it in me.  I did another half mile in 4:47 and walked another quarter to cover 2 miles total.  The workout is posted here if you want to see all the embarrassing details.  I am not proud and this needs to change. I plan on running again later today so hopefully that will foster some different results.

On another note, I do feel much better today than I have in quite a while.  My muscles have that slight ache of being used and it is a much more welcome feeling as opposed to the loafiness I've had as of late.  I have more energy today and I'm itching to get back into a run - possibly even outside today if time allows.  And I made sure to take my asthma meds this morning so hopefully that will relieve some of my lung issues!  Let's see what today brings!

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